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Wednesday 18 July 2007


Sutcliffe has just turned up - all Ginger guns blazing.

Quote of the week comes from Dave Sewell -

After texting him to inform him I was partaking of the local Lamb Madras he was heard to say:

"Madras - the future's bright, the toilet's Orange".

I'm still giggling about it now.

Night all.

Morning all.

Sorry i've been away for so long. Promise i'll update you as often as possible from now on.

What can I say, it's been a crazy week. Took a Tuk Tuk down to the 'Hollywood of Mumbai' on Saturday. Pretty much the same as the 'Shithouse of Mumbai' but a lot more people selling belts for some reason. Quite agressive sellers but went strangely quiet as I passed....

I was looking for a pack of cards - something of a novelty on the sub-continent - and found the only pack of 'Hot Wheels' cards in the whole of India. Age 3+. I looked quite the Poker legend in the bar that night. Apparently public gambling is frowned upon here - they had to call the bouncer in the bar becasue none of the waiters wanted to upset Mifter Andoo. So i adjourned to the cafe and came upon three lovely lads who run a local sweatshop. Me and Paul toasted them for several thousand Rupees on the Texas Hold'em and scampered into the night.

Paul left on Sunday morning so i've been wandering lonley as a cloud. Spent all of Sunday in bed watching Life on Mars. Cracking show - and I quote "he moved as fast as a bunch of spastics in a magnet factory". Wish I had a webcam so you could have seen a live feed of me laughing uproariously, with a pair of headphones, on my own. Sewell would have put me in the Special Bus there and then.

Found a friend tonight in the bar - his name's Jim and he's from Kentucky. Did me a great deal on my Twizzler. He's here to exploit the middle classes of India too. Looks like Stone Cold Steve Austin but with more tattoos. Presented an eloquent diatribe on the Amercian clawing for Democaracy behind a face of totalitarianism. I had to tell him that what was he meant of course. He's from Kentucky.

I'm gonna go for a big, dirty curry now. I haven't eaten in three days and I think I deserve it.

I feel a genuine connection with the great Geoffrey Boycott who, upon his return from a test tour of India, was asked by a local Yorshire (they love gravy) journalist what he most missed about England. The wifebeating No. 3 said,

"Farting with confidence"

I love that story. Looking forward to it myself.

Missing everyone. Moving house on Monday (well i'll be there in spirit) so I trust everyone will join me for a house warming at some point soon.

Hope all is well.

Thursday 12 July 2007

Well i've got this Indian lark firmly in hand.

The sun came out and enhanced the fragrance of the streets but that didn't stop us from traffic dodging the Kamikaze tuk tuks and seeking out lunch. Mixed with the locals in the market and managed to sample the culinary delights of the sub-continent.

BMT Footlong. Done.

Someone kindly pointed out to me that the Jeremy Paxman birds, that haunt my every step, are actually Corvus splendens - or House Crow. I've mailed the Royal Ornithological society to advise them of the name change but they have remained, as yet, silent. I think you'll agree I have a good point...

Paul is off to Delhi on Sunday - on Kingfisher Airways. Apparently the guy that makes the arse-stinging beer also has a fleet of planes (true). When the cabin crew wander about asking if anyone would like Chicken or Lamb I believe it's as a passenger rather than a meal. Good Luck Paul. Don't ask for the Vegetarian. Ugly, hymn singing buggers...

Missing everyone. Libby has two loose teeth so i'm hoping to get back before she starts to look like Plug from the Bash Street Kids.

Hope all is well.

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Well, ain't life grand.

In the last day or so I've discovered the Hindu tantric meditation technique of 'Shityekeks'. Apparently the Geordies love it too. Dan the Diet Coke man will verify this upon his return.

I still can't upload pictures but i've taken a few of the indigenous birds that look like a cross between a crow and Jeremy Paxman. Massive conk and a queer ability to select choice morsels from the shit lying in and about the streets.

Paul has decided to fuck off and leave me on my own for the rest of the trip. Think i'll pay a little more attention to you, dear bloggers, during his absence. There's very little else to do but work. The PT instructor in the gym still remains a stranger and if I don't start losing weight i'll be drinking the local pavement juice. 'Instant Hilton' i'll be selling it as...

There's a Marks & Spencer's just round the corner from the office. Extortionately priced but Paul managed to find a lovely pair of cufflinks. When you see him - ask him if he got a free skirt with them...

Missing everyone. Still got an enormous amount of work to do and i'm looking forward to a pint at the Dubs.

Hope all is well.

PS - Check out the first box at the bottom of the page...


Sunday 8 July 2007

Mumbai is a contradictory beast.

Filth and Fortune. Beggars and Bankers. Went for a wander today around the city. It's a sprawling mass of towers, hotels, dead dogs and rain. Everyone is extremely friendly - even the beggars who, we discovered, will quite happily follow you for miles just a few steps behind quietly asking for dinner.

I still can't get any Rupees because my bank has all the capability of a shitty stick. So when I tell people I haven't any money i'm not lying. I'd literally give them all the dinner they wanted. Bollocks to the notion that this will somehow harm them through the evil of local capitalism. Here's a few quid - go get yourself a Quarterpounder. Enjoy yourself...

One fella followed us for a few miles until I thought I could lose him by dashing into oncoming traffic to cross the road without him. I narrowly escaped with my life and he was clipped by a Tuk Tuk. Apparently the urge to defeat hunger is greater than the need to avoid high speed collisions.

These people aren't stupid of course and I do look like I know the way to KFC...

We nearly missed the plane at Heathrow. A fraught check-in lady tannoyed our names as we hadn't turned up (turns out everyone in the lounge was off to New York - I thought they were just posh and didn't feel like queueing. Tried to get me some of that action). A baggage handling trolley then came screaming around the corner to pick us up.

Now the indignity, of the necessity, to have to sit astride a loading vehicle to be taken anywhere is tampered only by one thing... The slowing of said vehicle as we reached a ramp. As the loader became stationary and looked like rolling backwards (the fear in the lady's eyes will only be matched this Summer by Hostel II actresses) Paul and I leapt from the elephant golf cart which then rocketed towards it's destination with us jogging/puffing behind. I apologised but the lady had retreated into a zen-like state of non-awareness to avoid any permanent brain damage due to abject fear.

I recognise this as one of life's lessons and I have vowed to use the cross trainer more (technically, just once would be more but i've never trusted semantics).

Off to Intelenet in a bit. A little nervous as to the size of the task but i'm looking forward to it.

See you tomorrow for some more trite commentary and lambastic verisimilitude.

Hope all is well.

Saturday 7 July 2007


I've arrived in the land of the Raj and have already spent 45% of my time on the lavatory. Certain parts of me look like a promo poster from 'The Letters of Iwo Jima'.

Amazing flight over here. I hate planes so I often cower and whimper in the corner during aeronautical flight but I had the opportunity to soil myself in the lap of luxury this time. 2 bottles of Dom Perignon and a bowl of Chili Lentil soup saw me dancing in the aisles.

I now realise this is frowned upon within Indian cultures.

Only bar open when we arrived was the nightclub at the hotel. You've never lived until you've witnessed three thousand Indians dancing to an Eminem remix. It was like a Bollywood interpretation of mass anaphylactic shock. Think I stood out a little bit in my cream chinos and brown sports jacket. Too hot for the Barbour though...

I've made an arse of the technology so i'm struggling to upload any photos but i'll sort it out. Mumbai is s little mental but don't believe the hype - I haven't seen any shit strewn streets or fields of beggars. Everyone just seems really friendly.

I'm off because the lentil soup is calling me again and I must obey. Missing everyone already.

Hope all is well.

See you soon.

Thursday 5 July 2007

Still in Darlington

Today I created a blog.

I thought it would be cool/trendy. I have since checked out my blogger 'colleagues' only to discover a server filled with teenage girls, hermits and groomers.

Tomorrow I travel to The Smoke and henceforth onto a world rich in culture, history and Paratyphoid fever.

I hope you join me